Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bobby Seale Producing “SEIZE THE TIME: The Eighth Defendant" feature film on Black Panther Party.

Bobby Seale is producing a feature length motion picture dramatization that will chronicle his legendary life as Chairman, co-founder and national organizer of the Black Panther Party. According to Bobby, "the narrative will follow the history of the Black Panther Party including the involvement of it's leading membership.

"What makes me feel proud of being a part of the history and legacy of the Panthers is the courageous and creative young brothers and sisters who helped organize it."

Bobby undertook the task of producing his own cinematic life story because of his frustration with movie companies who produce films about him without his involvement. "They usually contact me after they have made their film and often times expect me to endorse it. I feel obliged to do this until I see the final product."

Since the late 1970s, Bobby Seale has spoken to millions of people on college campuses, TV programs and radio stations worldwide. Audiences have been mesmerized by his charismatic speeches as he relates his personal experiences of a historical period that helped shape today’s politics. Now these experiences will be integrated into a feature film.

Most cinematic depictions of the Black Panther Party leave out the FBI's efforts to terrorize the Panthers through its counter intelligence program. This lead to Panther members being assassinated and legally framed based on the false testimony of FBI informants.

"There is an entire generation of young people who know nothing about how viciously the FBI attacked us and why. Even people of my generation don't know that J. Edgar Hoover said the Black Panthers Breakfast for Children program represents the greatest threat to America's national security.”

Through, LLC {Independent Film Production Division} I am raising development funds to produce “SEIZE THE TIME: The Eighth Defendant,” a feature length film dramatization that chronicles my life experiences as the founding Chairman and national organizer of the Black Panther Party and in turn the true history of the Black Panther Party.

“SEIZE THE TIME: The Eighth Defendant,” will tell the my true 60’s protest movement history and the true history of the Black Panther Party, giving those now and in the future an awareness of our history, as an example of how one should never give up the struggle for true liberation and freedom. Instilling and inspiring in them the hope that change is a possible and that, we the people, must proactively work to preserve our constitutional rights.

By purchasing books, posters, DVDs and memorabilia from my website you can help support my efforts get an honest film about my sixties protest movement history and the history of the Black Panther Party produced. Here is the link to that page:

All Power To All The People!
